Saturday, March 28, 2009

Heart of Courage

Title: Heart of Courage
Author: Kat Martin
Series: Heart Series (Book 3)
Genre: Romance

The final installment in the Heart series by Kat Martin, Heart of Courage followed the same basic story as the other two.

Lindsey, the woman who has taken over Corrie's spot at Heart to Heart, finds out that her brother has been accused of the murder of two prostitutes. Lindsey knows it can't be true and goes about trying to clear his name. Krista (book 1) is afraid that she will get into trouble so she sends her brother-in-law Thor (Viking) after her.

Of course sparks of all sorts fly and the two fall in love and have to overcome many obstacles. And while all that is happening they manage to solve the murder case as well.

Although the books all had the same basic ingredients:
- Mystery to solve including murder attempts on main female character.
- Man of station below the woman, where a wedding seems impossible.
- The help of private investigator Dolph.

They were enjoyable. I still loved the first book most, but it was definitely a worthwhile series.

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