Saturday, November 29, 2008

Multiple Blessings

Title: Multiple Blessings
Author: Jon & Kate Gosselin
Series: None
Genre: Non-Fiction

I love Jon & Kate plus Eight. I watch it every Monday. When I heard they wrote a book I decided I was going to read it. I was a little leery because I knew they are religious and the book talked about that.

The story tells of how Jon & Kate met, got married mere months later, had the girls and the babies as well as the hardships they faced. I definitely learned new things about the family and when I watched it this Monday I felt like I was making extra connections and saw them in a new light. A lot of it was old info, but it was still interesting to read. It told a lot about the time between the babies being born and the time they turned one. I enjoyed learning where some of Kate's friends came from and hearing more about the family that we never see.

If you like the show, I thought it was a good read. It did deal with religious aspect of things, but I thought that it was fine. It wasn't like you were beat over the head with it, it just explained what they thought and felt at the time. I only skipped over the numbered list with 6 things relating to God. I tried to read that and it wasn't for me. There was also additional pics of the family that I hadn't seen before.

It was the perfect book to read over Thanksgiving, because it talked a lot about that.

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