Monday, November 17, 2008

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

Title: Walking in Circles Before Lying Down
Author: Merrill Markoe
Series: None
Genre: Chick Lit

What a welcomed change in my reading line up. I walked past this book at Target and was immediately drawn to it. Walking in Circles Before Lying Down by Merrill Markoe was a joyful read that had me laughing.

In this book we meet Dawn. The first few chapters are really back views on her life. We learn about her first dog, her first marriage as well as other things. Then her dog dies, she gets a new puppy and is dumped by her boyfriend. Then it gets interesting.

In her grief she talks to her dog and is shocked to hear him talk back, "Couldn't you smell her on his pants?" He asks. From that point on Dawn can not only hear and have conversations with her dog, but all of the dogs.

Life from the point of view of a dog had me laughing. The dogs like to swear, and have the most interesting comments to make. I loved the conversation she has with the dogs when they follow her into that bathroom. She wonders why they do it and they have an answer for her. I know my dog always wants to follow me into the bathroom (cat too!) so I definitely felt where she was coming from.

There are also some other points of plot such as the All Holiday Tree and her sister who is a Life Coach. I understand they are part of the story, but I could have cared less. It was, however a comical and quick read.

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