Monday, November 3, 2008

The Host

Title: The Host
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Series: None
Genre: Science Fiction

Reading the Twilight books and enjoying them immensely, I was excited to learn that Stephenie Meyer had written another book for adults, The Host. Apparently I wasn't the only excited, and I have spent the last three months on the waiting list at my local library.

It's a long book - at about 625 pages I knew I needed to set aside some time and read it. That happened to be the last two days. I read the story of "Wanda" and Mel and their lives in an earth that has been taken over by parasites that infiltrate your body and mind and live your life while you waste away.

Now when I was younger I enjoyed the Animorphs series. This series includes aliens, Yerks that crawl into your ear and do exactly what these aliens in The Host do.

I must say, although I enjoyed the story, I was hoping for more. The Twilight series (for the most part) reminds me of teenage sexual frustration. I thought - she wrote a book marketed for adults, maybe there is a reason it is written for adults. As far as I can tell - I don't see a reason. There is probably less physical togetherness in this book then in the Twilight books. Now I wasn't looking for a romance novel...but I was hoping for an adult novel.

That said, I enjoyed the struggle between Wanda, Mel, Ian and Jared, as well as the overall love and joy that came from Jamie. I definitely cried a few times in this book.


Jill said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but I was looking at your map and wondered if you saw the dot in AUSTRALIA - way to go woman :-).

Jen said...

I did and I thought Damn! How did that happen? Woo!