Monday, January 3, 2011

Mini Shopaholic

Title: Mini Shopaholic
Author: Sophie Kinsella
Series: Shopaholic (Book 6)
Genre: Chick Lit

The baby from Shopaholic & Baby is now 2 years old. Little Minnie is quite a handful and has many things in common with her mother, Becky. Minnie's favorite word seems to be, "Miiiiine" and she wants everything when she shops just like her mom.

Although Minnie has more to her then a little shopaholic, she is also a bit of a trouble maker. Enough where her Dad, Luke, suggests that they get some professional help. They try an equivalent to Super Nanny, who says she's just being 2 and is fine, and a professional Nanny Service, who thinks she's so bad they won't get another nanny for them.

Of course Becky is spending like mad, getting into to trouble and comes out on top.

I was disappointed in this book. I was hoping that we would see more of Minnie, but she just seemed around when it was convenient for her to want something and help Becky with some spending. Her character was very flat. I also was hoping for some growth by her in regards to getting better with (or without) the help of a nanny. Unfortunately, the out of control 2 year old was said to be just acting her age and it was over.

I felt like the book just went in circles. Becky promises to stop spending and wears clothes from last season (gasp!) but then is bought a new dress by her Mom. Luke doesn't want to have any more kids and after one quick conversation he's all for the idea. Minnie is bad....and that never changes. Not much growth for any of the characters in a realistic way in my opinion.

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