Monday, November 9, 2009

The Rivers of Zadaa

Title: The Rivers of Zadaa
Author: D.J. MacHale
Series: Pendragon (Book 6)
Genre: Young Adult

Even though I think that Black Water is a turning point for the Pendragon series, I feel like The Rivers of Zadaa take it a bit farther. We learn new things about just about every main character, and even some of the more minor ones.

The territory of Zadaa is Loor's territory. There are two different "races." The Batu who live above ground and the Rokador, who live below ground and control the water. There is a drought and the two groups are brewing for a war. Sounds like Saint Dane to me!


Jill said...

The alcohol, the book, the laptop, the chair - that header is way too perfect :).

Jen said...

Well thank you. I was going for something a bit more clean, but I'm worried it's to simple...? Ideas?