Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Icing on the Cake

Title: The Icing on the Cake (Anthology: Opposites Attract)
Author: Lynn Kurland
Series: MacLeod (Book 5)
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Samuel MacLeod is a writer and at home chef. Sam is not your average guy, he doesn't know how to chop wood, or use tools. What Sam does know is cooking and baking. He has moved to the Alaskan wilderness for a while and has rented a room in a cabin. Little does he know, but the cabin is also home to a woman.

That woman is Sydney Kincaid, who is very surprised when she learns that this handsome man is staying in her cabin. If you haven't guessed, Sydney is also not your average woman. She can't bake or cook, but is really good at things like fishing, chopping wood and using tools.

The two clash a bit at first before they realize that they like each other. Neither tells the other but uses the excuse that they are learning from each other so they will have good prospects for future relationships.

One interesting thing about this short story is that neither of the main characters is a time traveler, nor does any of it take place in Scotland or have anything to do with any other characters we know. This seems more like a stand alone story. Change Sam's last name and it wouldn't matter.

Only one more short story in the MacLeod series and I am grateful. I'm tired of reading this less interesting and developed then normal stories. I'm ready to sink my teeth into the last two full novels of the series (well, last two that I haven't read). But first, one more short story.

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