Sunday, February 28, 2010

Heart of the Dragon

Title: Heart of the Dragon
Author: Gena Showalter
Series: Atlantis Series (Book 1)
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Grace is roaming around the Amazon jungle looking for her missing brother. Things aren't going so well, her guide abandoned her and she is basically out of food and water. She does, however, still have the dragon necklace he gave her. Little does she know, that the combination of her necklace and place in the jungle will transport her to the mythical land of Atlantis.

Atlantis isn't all mermaids and beauty, but dragon changelings, vampires, and all sorts of other "nasty" mythical beings. Darius, is not only a dragon changeling, but a keeper of the mist. Every time a human comes through the mist, he is required to kill them to keep Atlantis a secret. He has closed himself off to everything, he only sees black and white, has no sense of taste, smell, ect. He is a killing machine and the head of his soldiers.

Then Grace comes tumbling into his world. He immediately notices her red hair - what? Color! He is drawn to her in the most incredible way and eventually learns that she is tied up, unintentionally, with the other humans who have camptured her brother and killed many in Atlantis. Together the two must save Atlantis.

I love the idea of bringing someone who doesn't know our world into it and having to explain everything to them. Darius having his first Chocolate Eclair (Yum!) and getting a glimpse of NYC, to me is just fantastic. I really enjoyed this world that has been created.

On a side note - this is the first book I have read totally on my Sony Reader. I received one for Christmas, but have been too busy reading the other physical books that have been in line on my shelf first. I purchased this series as a bundle (because I do enjoy Gena Showalter) and am not disappointed at all. I love my new reader!

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