Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Dream of Genies

Title: I Dream of Genies
Author: Judi Fennell
Series: None
Genre: Romance

Holy major reading slump! I just haven't had the urge to pick up a book in over 2 months. The only reason I even read this one is I was extremely slow at work and I had been carrying this book around in my backseat for months. I probably wouldn't have read anything otherwise.

Eden is a genie who is currently fulfilling a 2,000 year punishment of being confined to her bottle. She killed a previous master who wanted her to kill his children. She watches from the store front that her bottle is displayed in and sees her crush every day.

Then the day comes where the shop owner decides to close up and throws her bottle in the trash. Somehow the pressure of being in the garbage truck plus some help from her car friend Obo, she is thrown out of her bottle, landing right on Matt's lap.

Matt Ewing, Eden's crush, seems to have a thing for taking in strays and when Eden lands on his lap, he does just that. A bit hard to believe when she wakes up in his arms and the two of them start making out right away - really?

Eden is on the run trying to find all the things that make her a genie: her bottle, her bottle stopper and her bracelets so that she can be her own master and not have to answer to the keeper of the genies. She tells Matt the truth and the two start the journey together.

This was a lighthearted story that at times was hard to believe. While I'm okay with putting my beliefs of magic and what not on hold, I still want a believable relationship or story between the two characters.

I really enjoyed their journey to the djinn's eggs and the riddles they had to encounter, as well as learning about the genie world. This book seemed to get decent ratings on Amazon (4.5/5) but just left me feeling lukewarm.r

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