Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sign of Seven Trilogy

My favorite thing about Nora Roberts is that she often writes in series or trilogies. Her latest one has been the Sign of Seven trilogy. The trilogy is about three men, Fox, Cal and Gage, who were all born on the same day (7/7) and are the best of friends. On their tenth birthday they go camping in the woods and become blood brothers. In doing so they accidentally unleash a demon. This demon comes back every seven years and reeks havoc on their home town during the time of 7/7. People become crazed and kill each other, themselves and create lots of problems.

They have tried to kill/vanquish the demon several times, but have never been successful. They eventually learn that this year is the most important year. If they don't vanquish the demon this year he will come into all of his powers and it will be many times over as bad as it is now.

Three women eventually make their way to this town, Layla, Quinn and Cybil. Each book is about a couple coming together and the group learning more information about how they are going to vanquish the demon.

Blood Brothers tells the story of Cal and Quinn, who can see the past, as well as most of the background information needed to get into the basic story. The girls arrive in town in this story and it is the furthest away from the Seven. This means that the nuisances that the demon creates are the most tame and easy to deal with.

The Hollow follows Fox and Layla, who can see the present. Fox has some serious issues to overcome in this story. His past love died as a result of the Seven. This of course being a romance novel, he needs to learn to deal with it so that he can be with Layla.

The Pagan Stone, the most recent story, tells of Gage and Cybil, who see the future, as well as the time leading up to and including the Seven. I really enjoyed being able to learn things through Gage and Cybil's visions and them later coming true or being proven wrong. I think it added a nice touch.

Overall another great series from Nora Roberts, she doesn't often fail (see Tribute). I now anxiously await her next series/trilogy.

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