Monday, November 14, 2011


Title: Wolfsbane
Author: Andrea Cremer
Series: Nightshade (Book 2)
Genre: Young Adult

Calla wakes up and she is in the Searchers' Academy, although she doesn't know that right away. Since switching sides and going against everything that she knows - she is now in a situation where she knows nothing. Within a short time of waking she is reunited with Shay. The two of them along with the Searchers start making a plan to overthrow the Keepers.

This book is chock full of information. We learn about how Guardians came to be (supposedly the real story), what's up with the Keepers and the Searchers and more about everyone's background. Sure there wasn't a lot of action until the very end, but I felt like it was full of information that will be needed to fully understand the war going on.

The reader is often left feeling confused and not completely sure about the happenings...much like our main characters. We are in the same boat as them and learn about things as they do.

There were a few parts in this book where I was shocked by the acts of violence that happen or are mentioned. This is definitely going to be a bloody war.

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